Instructions for Live Support:
1. To have CompuTech connect to your workstation and provide you with live support, start by opening the following link: HTTP://GET.TEAMVIEWER.COM/SG5FVX3
2. After you have opened the link, you will be taken to a new window where TeamViewer will start downloading.
3. If it does not load up right away, open your downloads and double click on the TeamViewerQS.exe file.
4. A User Account Control box will pop up. Click Yes.
5. A TeamViewer License Agreement box will pop up. Check the I Accept box, and click Continue.
6. A Disclaimer box will pop up. Click Accept.
7. Finally, CompuTech's Allow Remote Control box will pop up.
8. Read off the 10-digit code under Your ID to your CompuTech IT specialist.
9. You are now connected, and CompuTech is ready to take care of you!